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Is this cycle different?
We hear it time and time again, this cycle is going to be different, there won’t be a crash, HODL. I’ve been in this space since mid 2017. I really thought I had to buy as much as I could because it’ll be too late to buy it later. For a poor college student I made crazy gains and never sold. By 2020 I almost forgot about crypto but I still had my bags and sure enough by 2021 I had unimaginable gains. Greed got the better of me again, I wanted to sell but didn’t have strategy and thought I could time the top. Illogical fear of being taxed on every trade also held me back. I could’ve sold and made a profit, I could’ve sold and bought other coins and made profit in profit. But the fear of selling and already creating a taxable event and then risking that profit on other trades (more greed) that could lose it all and leave me with a tax burden made me do nothing. Again in 2021 the narrative that I had to stay in market because these prices would never be seen again started getting the better of me. I, like many influencers and comments I’ve seen this last year, vowed that I wouldn’t believe that crypto is dead after the 2021 cycles ended, and more importantly I will take profits in this current bullrun. My confidence is wavering again and here’s what’s different. We’ve realized the 2017 dream of crypto becoming mainstream. We have Bitcoin ETFs, we have ripple kicking the SECs ass for all of crypto, we have shareholders pushing FAANGs to hold a portion of their assets in Bitcoin, a Bitcoin national reserve for crying out loud. What’s different is this run is happening during a recession, an economic shit show. A lot of people thought we wouldn’t have a bullrun again because the economy is so bad, but here we are. Sure it’s reflective of how much value the dollar has lost and all that finance stuff. Technically based on history and halving cycles this is early in the bullrun. But I am seeing so many posts about people needing to sell to get out of debt. I am seeing so many people planing around cashing out this time and the conspiracy part of my brain is yelling they would do this. They (blackrock, jp, government, big dollars) would wait to do it this way. They would wait for retail to be most vulnerable to really make this mainstream. This makes me uneasy. I will take profits this time. Yet again I fear that they will make the best cryptos unattainably expensive moving forward. They will let us take our measly profits now that they know we need the money to pay for out cost of living/debt before they go all in and remove our ability from getting in at a time to make crazy gains. TLDR; I need to sell for profits but feel like adoption is moving so fast now that the opportunity to get in this early won’t come around again. Nothing new but definitely with better reason now with how much it’s being adopted now.4
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