Community Information
MTC Buses
So, I used to travel in MTC buses frequently. It wasn't a regular mode of transport until recently for my internship. I absolutely abhorred travelling in MTC everyday. I don't know if its just me but I find the whole experience exasperating. The type of people who travel in MTC buses are the most irritable and rude people in the city. They randomly pick fights with one another and shout at strangers for the most banal things. Not only that but sometimes buses can get extremely crowded to the point where you have to inevitably rub against someone of the opposite gender just to move one inch towards the exit. Sometimes even the bus conductors are extremely rude and yell at passengers. (Though its probably justified since they have to work in the heat all day). I was able to adjust to all this. But the straw that broke the camel's back was a particular incident. A clapper hit me simply for ignoring them. It sounds simple but it felt quite disturbing. That was when I decided I was not going to travel by MTC buses anymore. I've began driving to work. I really hope I'm not the only one who feels this way about MTC buses.1
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