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I adopted this kitten from street today, how old do you think she is? Can anyone tell name of the breed?
I adopted this kitten from the street today. After eating cat food and milk, she is now sleeping restfully. She approached me while I was buying something from a shop, weaving between my legs (probably for warmth). I couldn't resist and decided to adopt her. I've never had a pet before, so I don’t know much about taking care of them. However, I did get the basic supplies like cat food and a litter box. I’m not sure how old she is or what breed she might be. I would also like to know how to help her feel at home and avoid stress. She’s constantly meowing and keeps nudging her head against the palm of my hand to be petted. Is this normal behavior? Also, why does she sleep with her neck turned all the way down? Should I cut her nails? PS - While I was writing this post, she woke up and struck some cool poses! I’ve included those photos here too.
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