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Guide to Makeup Booths in Chennai Malls.
Hey! Im making this post because I was searching for a post like this. Since i remember now where almost every company has their booth, i'll try my best to write everything concisely! \--VR MALL - ANNA NAGAR TIRA: (staff were sweet!) (skincare) \-Skin1004, Laneige, Some new ayurveda type company idk the name, The face Shop (makeup) \-Huda beauty, Romand, Laura Mercier, MAC, clinique, too faced, anastasia, bobbi brown, benefit (cant remember more) They had perfumes too. brands like chopard, ferragamo etc NYKAA: \-only had a glance so i remember they had laneige. It was a comparatively smaller store tho. KAMA AYURVEDA, FOREST ESSENTIALS, BBW HAD OWN STORES \--Phoenix Mall - VELACHERY TIRA: Almost the same stores as VR NYKAA: Romand, URBAN DECAY, ETUDE HOUSE, Kay beauty, Milani, Too faced, Maybelline, PIXI, ELF ( all i can remember) SS BEAUTY: innisfree, Laneige, (cant remember more 😭😭 but nothing new) SEPHORA!: SDJ, Shiseido, Dior (skincare + makeup), MAC, bobbi brown, Huda, NARS, Their own brand, Pixi, Benefit, Clarins, Laneige, RARE BEAUTY, Some perfumes. (Staff are a bit stuck up tho) KIEHLS: their own store L'OCCITANE Their own store FORUM MALL - VADAPALANI Nykaa: (sweet staff) The face shop, tony moly, minimalist, The ordinary, Estee lauder, clinique, too faced, Kay, Huda, Nyx, ELF, Maybelline, BOJ, Plum, Their own brand, pretty sure thats it and some perfumes Health and Glow was there in most stores too, but I wont bother mentioning it cuz its waste imo Forum staff tried pushing products for me to try, i had to tell them my parents were buying something else and I just came here to checkout the new teddy tints and was not really planning to buy. I didnt even turn when the SA told 'summa product paaka vandala' and they were laughing. LIKE WTF? I hope this was help ful cuz it took me half an hour to write!!2
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