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Tanhaji was actually a terrible movie with many inaccuracies
Ya'll already know that Om raut isn't exactly known for respecting history or people's sentiments. In tanhaji too his stupid tendency to lowball the audience is apparent. The movie is full of inaccuracies and while I am fine with the director taking some creative liberties , doing so and claiming that the movie " is a tribute to the hero" and a "untold story " is infuriating. My guy make any no of movies with fictional stories but stop telling ppl that its all true. Does he think the public is that stupid ? Starting from the very obvious errors like Aurangzeb meeting Uday Bhan in person and his intention to make kondhana a major hub in the deccan . like it is just a fort in a forest, it wont rival delhi in any timeline lol. Coming to Uday Bhan's character himself . He wasn't atheist and a Barbarian with a Muslim army . He was a rather religious person coming from a very respected family in marwar and never kidnapped any woman. His army was also largely Hindu rajputs and not Muslim as shown in the movie. He did consider marathas to be peasants below him though. And the most pointless of all he was never given any cannon like that in the movie . Cannons are useless in Deccan . He never imprisoned tanhaji and almost certainly didn't know the latter even existed until the eventful battle night. The Maratha army on the other hand contrary to what the movie portrays didnt have a flag with an OM on it. It was a plain orange flag . The Marathas at this point where basically all farmers and didn't have money to splurge on uniforms or even shields. The men carried tortoise shells instead of shields and used rather thin swords ( due to lack of a continuous supply of steel.)The battalion was all from umrat in kokan and didn't have a retard muslim guy with them.After tanhaji was killed by rathore in a fair fight ( since the former was very injured and tired after climbing like a 70 degree mountain ) the Marathas tried to flee but shelar mama cut the ropes and motivated the men to turn back and fight Speaking of mama , he wasn't a filler character and actually killed udya bhan. Mama didnt didn't even carry a "shield " preferring two swords instead and fought after climbing the said mountain via nothing but a rope all at the age of 80. sadly kajol's character which was irrelevant historically has more screentime and chessy lines than mama which is honestly sad. I dont everything to be accuarte but maybe try not being lazy and reducing the movie to baah good hindu guys fight evil muslim invaders1
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