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Instead Spending 14000 crore on metro, Govt could provide the below on nominal maintenance rates, similar to that of metro ( whose operation is not even profitable nost of the time) - 2 crore square feet of highly advanced IT park, enough for 2 lac IT workers - 4 crore sqare feet of hight secured and at of of DLF, so has residence unit for 40k IT worker family. - secured land parcel and society and schools, health centres for the kids - commercial spaces for the 40k families. Output: 2 lac x 4 - 5 lac each = 8k to 10k Crores of Gdp. Which further propogate in multiple layers ( asumme twice) means 2 billion GDP jump Why people / employee will come? many Biharis who are working in Delhi NCr and bangalore and want to come back to Bihar. And as rent is almost free them. Why companies will come? Almost zero investment to them and almost zero rent they have to pay. Once this is successful, it will build ecosystem and can make more companies and people come to patna, almost 50% od 20 lac working in IT in India. This is 10 lac, which means atleast 20 - 50 Billion GDP growt.5
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