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Salman and BB looked like fools
I never felt so disgusted on any WKW. Why were they trying to portray Kashish as someone like Priyanka Jagga? They almost want her to start misbehvaing or something by using the worst lamguage. Why is Salman agreeing to do this? She is just a 25 yo and he is almost 60 now. How can he talk to her in that language? It is so personal. He should flat out refuse to do it. Is he really getting paid so much that this seems worth it? They kept showing clip after clip and saying look at yourself etc. And Kashish very clearly explained all her points, so much so that they refused to let her speak. Salman and BB looked completed stupid by showing those clips when they proved to be meaningless for whatever "bad woman narrative" they wanted to set for Kashish. I'm glad that she spoke up so well and didn't let anybody pull her down. So disappointed with Shilpa and Karan. For Karan, my whole view point has changed. He will protect the girl he loves by even going physical but put down another, much much younger, girl like this? Pathetic. These people, including Salman and BB, looked like fools trying to force this narrative when there was none. Kashish is a normal modern girl who also proved herself to be extremely strong. I'm proud of her.5
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