Community Information
Dogs rule in Bangalore
Chat transcript from a residents group over incessant dog barking. Evidently dogs rule in Bangalore, others must seek alternative methods to put up or simply move out. _____________________________________________ [30/12/2024, 9:24 pm] Resident 1: Hi There is a dog which has been barking for the past 1/2 hour behind ------. Can the resident please Control their pet. Thank you [31/12/2024, 7:43 am] Resident 2: Dear neighbour on ----- street (--------- owner), it's a daily ritual that your pet starts barking from early morning since it's left on terrace alone. This constant barking is now taking a toll on our health as we are not able to get proper sleep from the past year or more , request you to please control your pet's behaviour [31/12/2024, 8:28 am] Dog Owner: Resident 2, it is a dog and it will bark. If it is a problem for you, look for alternatives [31/12/2024, 9:20 am] Pet Committee: Dear Dog Owner according to bbmp community guidelines which our community guidelines follows, Yes barking is not banned and cannot be banned as it’s a way of communication for dogs . However if the barking is incessant and long duration which disturbs the Neighbour then we need to find corrective measure for harmonious coexistence of all. We have reached out to you before for the same. We cannot tell Residents to find an alternative because of a pet. That isn't community living. There has to be some give and take in a community atmosphere to make it cordial. Let’s maintain it. Regards Pet committee [31/12/2024, 9:53 am] Dog Owner: Pet Committee, i already put my point , cannot entertain this sort watsapp discussion. Even this is not a community living [31/12/2024, 9:57 am] Pet Committee: Dear Dog Owner, it’s not a discussion it’s a mandatory expectation for community living kindly read the bbmp guidelines. Page 2 point 6 . [31/12/2024, 10:01 am] Managing Committee: Namaskaram dear Neighbours, with so many instances I request all pet parents to be mindful and follow the pet rules agreed upon. We cannot tell Residents to find an alternative because of a pet. That isn't community living. There has to be some give and take in a community atmosphere to make it cordial. Lets maintain it. Dhanyavaadam [31/12/2024, 10:23 am] Dog Owner: Managing Committee, This sort of false complaints can't be entertained over the public domain.2
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