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The harrasment indigenous Sylhetis of Barak valley face in mainstream Assam is disgusting and disappointing
I am writing this to express how disgusting the harrasment Sylhetis of Barak valley face everyday despite being the first inhabitants of the region. Sylhetis first had their own kingdom at 6th century. The kingdom was called as the "Harikela kingdom". The region was called Srihatta or Shilhatta through which the modern name "Sylhet" derives from. This piece of information is however intentionally hidden by the state of Assam. Assamese chauvinists intentionally, not only deny the history, culture, social fabric, heritage, politics of the Sylhetis living there but also wishes to exterminate and genocide them from their own land. The Assamese rationalists and liberals, however have never voiced any opinion in favor of the Sylhetis. Rather, they act as a silent protector of the radical ultranationalists. Harikela kingdom is not only ignored and kept hidden from the mainstream knowledge but a very pro colonialist argument is given when the same ultra nationalists say that the Barak valley has been ruled by Dimasas and Tiprasas since the 15th century, therefore the Sylheti identity is criminal. Assam itself has been ruled by foreign powers with little to no care for the locals for centuries. Does that mean Assamese culture and identity are criminal too? I can't help but a draw parallel to the current Azerbaijan here. Just like Azeri state deny and foul mouth the Armenian heritage and history, the Assamese chauvinists do the very same thing. However, both are somehow justified as both were once colonized themselves. For Azerbaijan it was Russia, for Assam it was Brits. Just because both Azeris and Assam were once colonized, their own foul treatment for the minorities never get justified. This is not an attack on the Assamese identity, this is an attack on ferocious chauvinists who seek to destroy the minority communities residing within the state boundaries. Assamese community was indigenously settled on Brahmaputra river valley, not on Barak river valley. As soon as the chauvinists understand this, the better. I am still going to get a lot of hate comments, so here I have personally collected and shared the datas and records and archives of the same Harikela kingdom that once ruled over Eastern Sylhet, the region that was known as Srihatta and Shilhatta. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
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