Community Information
Would you rather live with 1 crore INR in India or 100k Euro in Europe (both per annum)
Imagine you ran an online indian business from home that got you 1 crore in profits annually: Would you rather shift to European countries (permanently) like Germany, France, UK, Spain etc. and earn less (because of higher tax) and save less (higher cost of living), do your own chores and cooking. All in return for the better air quality, better infrastructure and in general better quality of life? Or would you want to live in an expensive gated community in India so you can have your bubble of luxury, you can have cheap groceries, maids, drivers, basically you can live like a king. Earn more, save way more but the second you leave your gated community you have bad roads, bad air, bad infrastructure, corruption, etc. Don't factor in stuff like racism, away from family, loneliness, difficulty of immigration, etc. I just wanna know what you would prioritize and which you would pick as a better life.5
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