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Why is Bajrang Dal allowed free run at vigilantism and terrorism on the streets?
I hate Brajrang Dal and it's members and I hope each of the member has a worse life. Just now stupid bajrang dal's goondas stopped the school bus of my sister and threatened the driver of the bus with "stern action" if any girl is sitting with a boy. She is in 11TH class what do these lonely pedophiles who haven't heard of what a woman got to do with underage children? Why tf do these lonely good for nothing scums of the earth care what two consenting adults do. This happened right in front of my society. Thousands of rapes everyday, murders, immense poverty, garbage all around and they choose to do nothing for that?. They are trying to seperate couples in the name of a god who gave his whole life to UNITE A COUPLE? This organisation needs to be purged. I am so fed up with this nation and it's priorities. My sister felt so unsafe and scared she was trembling whilst telling me this bs.3
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