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Why do some govt employees have no value for time of common people who want to get their work done ?
Few weeks back I along with my father went to a govt organisation to get some official work done. The time of the department was from 10 am to 1 pm. There was a really long que and everyone was waiting. The govt official came at 11 am. Then as soon as it was 1pm he said to people at que that now department is closed, come tommorow. We were so frustated, we could have got our work done through online but the website was not working thats why we had to come again tommorow. Now, next day after waiting for 2 hours in the long que we got our work done (relief) but there was an aged man who was also waiting to get his quiery solved. When his turn came, he got to know that this is the wrong department. And there was a lady with an infant, when her turn came, it was 1pm and she had to come again. I was so dissapointed for them. We pay our taxes for better services but in return we get long waiting and dissapointment. When will public sector get better in our country ? ps: consider this as a rant5
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