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Why do I attract men who want situationships!
I(25/F) have been dating for a 2 years and for a while I never really felt like the people was seeing is the right one for me, and I ended them soon( I have never been in a long term relationship) . A few months back before I started to prepare for upsc I started talking to a new guy , He seemed nice and friendly and new to my city and we happened to have same interests, but nothing happened and we didn’t meet up. After my mock exams we started talking and got really close to the point we’re much more than friends, we talked about our exes and the trauma we went through… Every time I confessed he was warm ,supportive and empathetic.. something I’ve never experienced with another man . Initially when we spoke he said he wanted something long term, and I continued interacting with him more .. Our dates have also gone great he has been incredibly supportive and understanding of my situation.. and doesn’t do anything I’m not comfortable with. In a nutshell he is extremely close to the ideal person I’ve always seeked.. He has been through some relationship issues in the past(I will add it later .. I don’t want him finding out I posted this) Lately he is saying he feels close with me but doesn’t want a relationship but friends with benefits or something without commitments And the promise of love -_- I can understand that he has been traumatised and is afraid to love … I really don’t know what to do , I’m frustrated after such a long time I find a wonderful guy only for him to want a situationship with me . I’m not willing to compromise on myself so I meet his wants , a situationship is the last thing I need in my life and it’s absolutely draining. Idk if I should stay friends with him and nothing else or end everything.. or I should just maintain boundaries and limit my interactions or wait until he is ready for one .. Right now he is the person I’m closest to and idk if I’ll find another person like him .. I also feel like I’ve accidentally walked into the same pot hole (situationships) with this guy too As he also ended up wanting the same thing as the ones I went out with before. THIS IS A RANT POST! Any keyboard warriors planning on throwing useless hate and negativity *get therapy* im pretty sure are the problem in your life . Im welcoming helpful redditors pls help me14
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