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What does the general Indian population think of it's lions?
Namaste, I know there are a lot of things happening in your life. Some are preparing for JEE/NEET/Boards, some are in college, and some are burdened by corporate lives or other issues, but India's wildlife is also a huge issue that isn't generally talked about. Wildlife is a huge part of our culture, with symbolism/names/identities, wildlife is in every part of our culture, and one such character of our country's rich culture and history is the lion. Asiatic Lions are today found only in the Gir forest of Gujarat before they were wiped out by the British and Mughals from all of north and central/central-east India. At the time of independence, we were left with only 20-16 lions and since then lions have had great growth with the current figure being 650+. But now Gir is getting smaller for the lions, it wouldn't take long for one to see videos of wild lions roaming on streets in rural Gujarat. They have a high risk of diseases, and they are confined in a small place which leads to inbreeding, hence they look dull and have lesser manes, Gir is a dry deciduous teak forest, and lions need an open grassland type of place like Madhya Pradesh's Kuno, or places on the Rajasthan-Madhya Pradesh border. Gujarat govt. has constantly ignored the Supreme Court's order to relocate the lions to Kuno, I understand that they have immense pride in the lions and so do most people, but it's not suitable to ignore the need for lion translocation for mere selfish interests. A few years back we lost 20+ lions to canine distemper. If a cyclone hits Gir/a virus outbreak/ or any political disagreement happens we will lose our lions for good, and won't have any chance of getting them back, although now it's not possible to shift them to Kuno due to cheetahs being brought there, but an experimental population should be relocated to some other park such as Sitamata or else.2
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