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Singapore and Malaysian Airport police only ask to take out your laptop, other cables were kept inside and even tabs were allowed and they speak with respect. Why can’t Indian police behave with respect like other police and why do they harass us to show off their power (for which we paid for) ?
I had one cable left in my bag and one police came out with the usual HeroGiri attitude and asked me to place the bag and then within seconds he changed his mind and asked me to go and stand in line again after placing my bag There was no one to keep my cleared electronics safely. I asked one CRPF guy to keep my stuff safely as it’s my hard earned money which I got after paying excess taxes and then again paying for CRPF charges, equipment and airport charges on my flight ticket After I redid the walk through their joke checking, they were not giving my cleared electronics I told him to hand over them to me and told him that I was the one who gave it to him in the first place After scratching his head he hesitantly handed over my hard earned goods Why do police power trip and behave like uneducated , crass people while Malaysian and Singaporean people are so professional ? They’re such a small country but have fantastic attitude and professionalism2
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