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Should i get married? Please help!
I'm 26F, still not financially stable, my parents recently started pressurizing me to get married, said they've already been 3 years late to the train! I don't think i am ready yet, but they would not budge. I just want 1 or 2 more years. Now, i have a LDR since 2 years and when they pressurized me, i told them that and they're not okay, their reasons of it being, different caste/lower caste, different economic background and different professions (I'm a dentist and he's a software engineer). It's been 6 months I've told them, they're still not around it completely, but there's progress. I've reject two government job doctors till now, hope no more! The thing is this last month has been hell of a ride for me and my partner, we've been having lot of disagreements (mostly because i feel that i am being selfish choosing a person i like and they do not like, I've been a "good girl" growing up and maybe i still need my parents validation) . So i am in a pickle on how to manage things and i think i am in stress and depression. Now, I've hurt him with my words but he still understands my situation and doesn't argue, he just tries to give me time, but recently he saw some pictures of me and my ex on google photo memories and was furious and hurt. ( My relationship with my ex was not healthy and i was doing a lot more for that relationship than he ever did. He dumped me saying his horoscope says he will never get married and the astrologer sees no girl in his kundli. I was distraught but i moved on. Now i had no idea i had some pics left in Google photos, i guess, which never crossed my mind. He saw them and is very hurt, saying i was too close with him and am not accepting that he was a piece of shit, blame on me, i was embarrassed to had have been dating him!) But yesterday when me and my partner were discussing things, things spiraled again and he became passsive aggressive and was very furious for the first time with me! Now, i don't know what to do further. Please help!1
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