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Mrs. movie offends because its real but is one particular change needed from women?
**NO MOVIE SPOILERS** Watched Mrs. yesterday as a guy and the movie is very much real. Some things might be exaggerated here and there (as per today's standards, no doubt women have gone through this 20years ago). But, overall the movie is true for many women of India, everywhere 2 decades ago and in tier2/tier3/rural areas even today. I have seen it happen and I have heard about it happening to people as well. I do, however, have one tiny opinion to share. Just my two cents. Our world runs on money. Earlier women didn't have much choices and now they do. Even then, rarely does it happen when I see women take an equal, especially in an arranged marriage situation. As a litmus test, if you ask a women who is doing an entry level job or still studying (but ready to marry), if they would marry someone who is at the same level as them, the answer is a **NO**. If you don't respect/trust your own career, expecting other people to respect it is going to be tough. Our societal norms also have women punch above their weight and marry into higher wealth or "financial stability" and then it is basically like playing Russian roulette. You can hope you don't become a maid but in a society where money decides everything, the odds are no longer in your favour. In an arranged marriage situation, in many cases, the primary differentiator is that the groom's side is looking for someone pretty (their primary concern) and the bride's side is looking for someone who gives financial security. Everything else takes a backseat and is judged with surface level audit. You can easily find pretty women who are unemployed or do entry-level jobs looking for government employees or high profiles for their marriages. In these scenarios, it is easy to get suppressed and seen as a maid after your beauty fades. And, if you are earning 10K per month while your husband earns 1lakh, don't get surprised when your job is seen as worthless and timepass. In a world where money rules, better be safe than sorry.4
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