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It should actually be illegal to play music out loud.
I don't know why but Indians have this nagging habit of playing music out loud as if they are severely allergic to playing music using a headphone/airpods or just playing it in a manner that doesn't disturb their neighborhood. I'd probably get flake for this since I believe there are people like that on this sub. But the thing is, what we don't find egregious, in other countries, its consider a violation of personal space and in some places, people have the right to call the cops on you for playing loud music. But not here in India where personal space is a completely alien concept. Even if you're not trying to concentrating on something, while loud music is playing in the background, I honestly don't want to listen to someone's absolutely cringe music disturbing my peace. I honestly don't know what to do in this case. I could use headphone myself, but its prolonged use cause ear drum damage. Or I could risk confronting the person who's playing loud music. But eventually if things go out of hand (I really hope it doesn't) I might have take matters into my own hand. But at the end of the day, it goes to show that Indians generally can't live in silence and they have this constant need to listen to loud background noise.2
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