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India Got Latent's fiasco! I am simply asking why did we not become so outraged when the issues listed below happened, but make sure to make this a national issue, which is not harming any one and the ones which are actually harming are not even considerable a National issues.
Before I am labelled as left winger, let me tell you i voted for BJP in 2014! I agree Ranveer's comment on parents was wrong and he should not have said that and entire country's media is focussed on this issue leaving aside the one which actually matters for the development of our country and our people. Is this justified? Irony is people who are outraged by the vulgar insestous comment on parents are now attacking Ranveer, Samay and Apurva by abusing them MC, BC, MKL, BKL, etc and openly giving threats to rape a woman. I wish these hypocrites reacted the same when a woman was paraded naked, when women are brutally raped, when backward classes and minorities are targetted and killed in broad day light, when a criminal is set free to run political campaigns, when an uneducated leader bring shame to the country, when the dollar has crossed 87 mark, when basic amenities have gone beyond reach of poor people. In 1947, 1 dollar was 3 rupees approx, which rose Rs.56.57 in 2013, which means in 66 years it jumped 53 rupees and as Soon as bjp came to power in 2014 it jumped to 62.33, i.e. jump of 5.76 rupees in a year and then in 11 years it jumped Rs. 24.24, rest i will leave it to your wisdom, When the so called criminal neta of their party openly abuses people M*******d in a political rally and no outrage on that, when the government covers up the death of innocent people in Covid and stampedes and uses para military and police to cover up their incompetence, when the president's rule is imposed in Manipur after it burnt for more than 2 years and countless deaths followed by resignation of Manipur CM and interestingly the state was ruled by BJP Only. When peadophile out on bail again rapes a minor and later murders her, when fuel, oil, pulses, milk, curd, milk, etc are double the price it was in 2018, When hate speeches for killing, beheading, raping minorities are given in the wild open and no one even dares to touch the bloody criminal neta, when the prime minister does not give a single press conference in over 11 years, when leaders fail to take accountability for collapsing bridges within months, airport roofs, train accidents, etc. When the so called super fast trains are glamourised which are not even used by 1 percent population of our country (try filing RTI's, you'll find it is going in losses), When the public transport not affordable for common public anymore, when unemployment rate is the highest in the history of our country and if the nation is developing as per what bjp or pm says, then why are we not able to create jobs, We have seen paper leak, anamolies, etc in almost all the goverment job exams happened over the past few years and the students fighting against corruption are brutally thrashed and arrested, yet no outrage, When the annadatas of our country are treated like shit and were attacked by pellet guns, water canons, smoke grenades, etc. we all must have seen the barracading done at delhi borders. Mind you, you'll not barracadings on borders and also the same barracadings in pulwama could have saved lives of our heroes but instead there was no road block or police checking that day, When national security is compromised and China has entered deep into arunachal and the PM lies about it, when a journalist is killed for exposing the corruption, when the Gujarati friends of our PM runs away with crores and crores of public money, and not a single media person or neta is talking about bringing them back. Are efforts even made to extradite them? when a loan of 3831 crores given to reliance was settled for only 450 crores, who as we all know is one of the closest friend of the PM while the poor is paying hefty interest rates on small loan amounts. So much public money wasted. Keeping in view that reliance could have paid it off easily but, corruption is important aspect here, when the women wrestlers sat on streets for days asking for justice against sexual harassment by BJP leader and instead they protected the rapist, When the PM care fund which is entirely funded by the people of our country is kept beyond the scope of public information, when our national security is weakened because of his incompetency, when kids of influential people are made IAS, IRS, IFS, etc, by giving them lateral entries, when state of law and order is doomed in the entire country, when hands of dalit is chopped just because he rod a bullet or sat on a horse, When scams are done using bank accounts opened under the various schemes run by the govt., when the govt takes help of a criminal to kill people abroad, when the PM brings shame by laughing shamelessly on the comments made by foreign leaders insulting our country, when terrorists are glamourised as freedom fighters, when the country with population of 142 crores does not have a bank note higher than 500 denomination, when gas cylinders are sold thrice the price it was in 2013, when the govt. Policies in respect of capital gains, taxes, crypto, etc are hampering development of our country, When politics is entirely based on religious hate, when not a single issue which pertains to national importance is in the manifesto or even in discussion, when these so called moral policers harass youths in the name of sanskriti, when media is entirely sold out and nothing but merely a puppet show, when infrastructure developed by them shatters within months, When RSS gets a whooping 150 crores new office in the capital, When people are lynched in broad day light merely on suspicion or lies, When police, administration, media, executives, every single body is nothing but merely a puppet of the ruling party, When crores and crores of scams of political leaders are washed off as soon as they joined BJP and today one of them is richest politician of our country. When small countries like Nepal, bhutan, Pakistan, Maldives are eyeing us, with support of China and we are not able to raise voice against them, is it because our leaders are scared or china or we are really into big deep trouble? When Trump humiliates us by imposing reciprocal tarriff's on the face of our PM and he does nothing, which I understand, he could do nothing, because to answer that, one needs to understand the language first, which he couldn't, that's why we need educated leaders to not face such embarassments globally. when GST was brought in action it was said its main purpose is to kill double taxation, but sadly we are paying multiple taxes on a single product in terms of CGST, SGST, CESS, VAT, etc, which has inflated the price of each and every product available in the market. When the poor of our country is such a poor state that they are not in condition to afford two time meal and consequently the goverment is forced to give free food to 80 crores people (figures quoted by BJP itself). Today not a single procession carried out VHP, Bajrang Dal, RSS is done without shocasing guns, swords, and other sorts of weapons and each time they end up in front of mosques and churches, to do what? To disturb the communal harmony of our country and that too for what, merely for the sake of winning elections. The list of when's are very long, but let me ask you when will we be awakened to fight for our rights, to fight for justice, to fight for the people of our country, fight to give our successors a developed and flourishing country and fight as a true patriot to protect our mother land from these criminals who are doing nothing Except looting our money by giving all the money to their friends in the name of privatization. Hindered of railways stations, numerous airports and ports are given to private companies to run their bussinesses and when then largest drug consignment in the history of our country is captured their no action against a single person and interestingly it washed of from the media in matter of hours, When BSNL, LIC and many others are Killed and no outrage. The companies which were boon for the goverment revenue are struggling to survive and no one is outraged. When will we come together as Indians/Bhartiya/Hindustani to save our country and outrage on the issues that really matters?2
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