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I need advice
I am an Indian,20 F, I have been wanting to leave my family for undergrad and live away just to restore to my human senses, but I was not allowed (,cuz of stupid reasons). They made me go to the same government college as my mom did, which is below par in accordance to today's standard. I was reluctant but they said they are short on money (it was post Covid) and I agreed. Much to my surprise,we went on an international trip that year. Fast forward two years, my parents dont let me go out with friends (calling them substandard, but that's the best I can get here),do not allow me to go for internships to places they don't know of. At this moment I have even stopped trying to get out of house. It's been over 13 months I have not been anywhere with friends post 5pm. Recently since they do not have anything to fuss about have been bodyshaming me like crazy. Every fing morning I get to hear that I am fat, my face is round, my teeth are yellow, I have ruined my good hair (I got them highlighted last year and took them along just so that they do not fussy about it later ,but they still are), I am full of defects, I will never get married like this blah blah blah. I have been ignoring all of this so far for almost 4 years now, but it has taken a big toll on my mental health recently. I do not find the encouragement to even get out my bed and brush my teeth, i cry myself to sleep every night of the fact just how lonely I am. My Friends from college have understood how controlling my parents are and have started to distance themselves from me. I am behaving V rudely with people nowadays, this was never a problem. I have tried to hide my frustrations to the best of my ability but everyone around me calls me 'hyper', 'frustraded' and God knows what behind my back. My parents have also taken me to good restaurants have paid for good dresses and I am thankful to them. But there are just certain things which are effecting my mental well-being to such a great extent I am finding it difficult to even do the basic tasks like combing my hair everyday or even cooking my favourite meal. And this is not something very recent I have been facing it for quite a long time now. I had recovered from this before but this feeling doesn't seem to end. I am so sorry to write about all of this here, maybe this is not the correct platform and I am a relatively new reddit user. Please consider this as a rant1
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