"Now, if he built the fac- tory in India, that's okay, but that's unfair to us," Mr. Trump 4 17 replies
मराठी भाषा संदर्भातील सरकारी आदेश फक्त कागदावरच आहेत. प्रत्यक्षात मात्र कुठेही अंमलबजावणी होताना दिसत नाही, नियमभंग करणाऱ्या विरोधात कारवाई होताना दिसत नाही, त्याउलट हिंदी बोला म्हणून सगळीकडे अक्षरशः जोर जबरदस्ती सुरू आहे 2 13 replies
Keep ur hand on heart and answer this, was I wrong here or am I just over expecting from this sub 4 9 replies
Kerala Cricket Team has reached Ranji Trophy Finals for the first time in history by defeating Gujarat by 2 runs in the first innings. 2 42 replies
I want to purchase succulents, anybody knows where I can get Haworthia Retusa? I don't know its local name, thus attaching the image. 1 5 replies
Rajkummar Rao to play Sourav Ganguly in biopic, confirms former Sourav Ganguly !! Will he be able to ace the role ?? 1 41 replies