Someone can go to this extent and making the religious Ceremony as place of vulgarity and obscene... 3 16 replies
A viral video exposed poor patchwork on Mumbai’s ₹14,000 crore Coastal Road, sparking public outrage. Citizens criticized the shoddy work and questioned the accountability of BMC and project contractors. 2 8 replies
TL: Hardik, you are right there's a different kind of fun in stopping others from reaching their milestones. 5 2 replies
[2023] Reminder that AAP went to Supreme Court of India to stop LG Saxena from cleaning Yamuna River. The work has resumed after election 1 0 replies
punyabhumi (India)has been invaded by barbarians and has become an abode full of impurity where people are disturbed because of the suffering of the purehearted ones. Krishna alone is my refuge. Vallabhacharya SHREE KRISHANASHRYA STOTRAM Vers 2 4 3 replies