How many questions are there in JEE Advanced?
I am not sure how many questions are there in JEE advanced exam in total.
How many students appeared for JEE Advanced 2024
I want to know exactly how many students appeared for JEE advanced 2024.
What is the best way to complete syllabus?
I have 60% of my JEE syllabus remaining and now I am thinking what I should do to get the remaining syllabus done. I don't have much time also. Any topics you think I should definitely study would ...
List of JEE Advanced Toppers in the last 46 years.
It's the list of AIR ranked 1 JEE Advanced Toppers in the last 46 years. Here's a list of some recent JEE Advanced toppers and their chosen IITs: Recent JEE Advanced Toppers: 1. 2023: Vavilala Ch...
How many marks are required to clear JEE advanced?
This questions lingers in my mind continuously that what is the threshold marks to clear JEE advanced to get at least the new IITs.
I am a 12th class student with zero syllabus completion.
I am trying to get the scope of where I stand right now. As I have zero syllabus completion for JEE and I have no idea if I will be able to complete the syllabus or not. If anyone can suggest w...
I am having problems solving questions which are really simple.
I don't know why even if I know the concept and formula's I am not sure how to implement them. Any advice or suggestions for me?
How to calculate percentile in jee advanced?
I am trying to figure out how I can calculate my percentile from my JEE advanced exam marks.
What is preparatory rank in JEE advanced?
I am trying to figure out what rank is necessary in JEE Main to sit in JEE advanced exam?
Is the governments take on having re-exam good?
I have seen that government announced to have re-exam for NEET 2024, but is it good? Doesn't it disregards the hardwork of those who actually studied?
What are the advices you will give to an engineering student?
I would like to get some advices about being an engineering student.
What is the hardest subject you felt in your engineering?
What is the hardest subject you faced in your engineering?
Is the latest nothing phone 2a plus good?
I am not sure what is the difference between nothing phone 2a and nothing phone 2a plus. if someone can clear this doubt would be helpful.
Are there any programming bootcamps?
I am trying to find bootcamps which offer Physical meetups in India.
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