How kids are allowed to do this on internet?
Maakenduku choopistunnav ee daridranni -
Complaint regarding loudspeaker beyond the time limit
शंभर नंबरला कॉल कर.. -
how’s The Regent sector 35??
you should call them and do the bookings. also ask them if it is ok to book online else ask them to send a link. if you book directly, it is cheaper sometimes. -
How are you even supposed to defend this?
Haha, racism so funny!!!!
AhahahahahHhahHhBabahahabavdgdjfjvufbrbfhfbf -
This man is born to just Bat his whole life!
Feels really odd to see Sachin without Classic MRF Bat -
First and last meme made by me
Agar OP ke 70/70 nhi aaye to sab op ko jump karenge -
Million dollar idea, no funds, where do I start? I will not promote
Ideas are cheap. Development, marketing, research, financials, on and on. It takes way more than an idea... -
Ex-NFL punter arrested after calling MAGA a ‘Nazi movement’ at a City Council meeting in Calif.
Does anyone read beyond article titles? The article states that he was arrested for disturbing an assembly….not free speech. -
Want to puchase 2nd Hand Recovery Bike from Dealer (need reference)
Pata chale to mujhe bhi batana -
Fed-up of people telling me that my bike should have a loud exhaust for that "phat phat" sound. Hence my bike is not cool.
How you don't use your hazard lights unnecessarily while on roads -
What's your favourite poverty meal that you still eat regardless of where you are financiallly ?
Dal Chawal (am still in poverty btw) -
Bihar is not for beginners ☠️
Damn...what's in the head of teenagers these days -
Guys, please be careful while outside…
You could have just added i in front of phone instead of writing (i wala -sorry!) -
Rebelkid hit 3M
Why are we forgetting the rebel kid’s previous bullying?
Don’t get me wrong here, I am all in for supporting apoorva and strongly condemn the way some retards are slut shaming her. And I loved the way she replied to that vagina comment.
But have everyone forgot the story she posted once slut shaming her hostelmate? She was talking about something like ‘ek ladki mre hostel m roz naye ladko ke sath soti hai, bhagwan kare usko covid ho jaye and hostel band ho jaye’.
(A girl in my hostel sleeps with new guys everyday, hope she gets covid and we get a hostel lockdown).
I am not happy for whatever that has been happening with her but I really think that in a way - it is her karma getting back! -
He who saves his country.
Hi `MichelPatrice`. Thank you for participating in /r/PoliticalHumor. However, [your submission](https://old.reddit.com/r/PoliticalHumor/comments/1ivi5nm/-/) did not meet the requirements of the [community rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/politicalhumor/about/rules) and was therefore removed for the following reason(s):
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Elon Musk’s DOGE comes for agency that regulates autonomous vehicles
American capitalism: it’s cheaper in the short-term to sell broken cars that kill people than comply with regulations that protect your own brand from being associated with horrid accidents.
No amount of deregulation can fix the perception that Tesla’s self-driving cars are Nazi death traps. -
‘You do not treat people in this manner’: Alaska Sen. Murkowski condemns Trump firings, other acts
And to drive this point home, I’m going to confirm all his insane cabinet nominees and put up no real resistance.
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