.Bangalore can be Bengaluru, Gurgaon can be Gurugram, Orissa can be Odisha, Bombay can be Mumbai, NO Issue at all But Just writing PANJAB (ਪੰਜਾਬ) Instead of PUNJAB (ਪੁੰਜਾਬ) can be Issue for RW, Anti-Panjab forces! Just Writing Panjab can make you Khalistani, Anti-Indian. #Panjab 1 0 replies
Welcome to Newbies Hi! I’m the founder of Bangalore Newbies. I made this community for making platonic friends in Bangalore. We’re a WhatsApp community with 850+ people now (used to be 1200+, then we purged). We do 3-4 meet-ups every week minimum across town. We have 32 interest based groups, and 1000s of messages everyday. We’re strictly moderated and trust based. If you’re a newbie, or someone who’s lived here in Bangalore all your life, and want to make new platonic friends, join us. Since we’re trust based, the more detailed your... 4 0 replies
My pov : Vivian is making a fool out of himself now, asking Shilpa why didn't she guide him ?... Is he a kid ?.. He definitely has no winner qualities... 4 0 replies
Swift hits scooty, speeds off, but the real 'high' came when the cops found 2kg of Ganja in the car! 3 0 replies