Screening alert The Film Society of Vadodara starts the new year with humble tribute to the stalwart of Indian parallel cinema - Late Shri Shyam Benegal aka Shyam Babu! Witness one of his contempletive story-telling with the film “Suraj ka saatvan ghoda” based on Dharmaveer Bharti’s novel by the same name, with possibly the one of the most prolific startcast 2 3 replies
Basic Road sense tho rakho yar 4 3 replies
Best buffet type place in the city? I am looking for best restaurant for unlimited food veg or non veg. 5 2 replies
Can anyone suggest one good web series to watch (with only one season)? Can anyone suggest one good web series to watch (with only one season)? 5 4 replies
Please suggest me best coaching with good results for JEE in vadodara. Please suggest me best coaching with good results for JEE in vadodara. 4 4 replies
Want to learn bike ride M25, still don't know how to ride a bike! Anywhere I can learn bike ride? P.s - I dont have any bike within family or friends! 2 0 replies
Looking to Hire a technical person for my startup If you are someone who is passionate about changing the world then we have a game changing startup opportunity. DM if you wanna be a part of it. Anyone with wordpress or Shopify experience is a plus. 5 2 replies
i want to buy good sweater or a jacket for my wife. Where can I find something nice? Budget 5-7k. i want to buy good sweater or a jacket for my wife. Where can I find something nice? Budget 5-7k. 2 2 replies
Degree not available in Digilocker I have graduated, got my degree certificates and marksheet, still these are not uplpaded in digilocker what to do?? College MSU Baroda 5 0 replies
Gym fees in Vadodara? I’m searching good and affordable gym near Sama-Savli road and I don’t know how much the gym should cost monthly if anyone goes to one so please let me know about the fees. Wasted so much time and I’m not going to waste more, have to start hitting the gym asap You guys should also start if you’re not. 3 3 replies
Exam preparation Anyone who is preparing for GRE or IELTS and is in need of material regarding the same can dm me. I have a lot of books for the same. 2 0 replies
Someone please suggest me a good and tried dermat in the city, me and my friend are facing severe hair issues, we need consulting asap Someone please suggest me a good and tried dermat in the city, me and my friend are facing severe hair issues, we need consulting asap 1 2 replies
Does any make popular Spotify playlists here? I make music so wanted to pitch. Thank you. 1 2 replies
Looking for Bug Bounty Hunters I have been into Bug hunting since 6 months and now am looking for people to collab with. Is anyone interested to hack and learn together? Here is my hackerone profile: 3 0 replies
Looking for a flat Hey barodians,I'm new here looking for a flat under 10k.I'm eng. student Any suggestions or contacts? 1 2 replies
Where to get a used computer monitor? I need a monitor as I am going to be working remotely for a month. My budget is up to 4-5k. Does anyone know of a dealer who trades used computer peripherals? Alternatively, would anyone like to sell their unused monitor? If yes, feel free to write to me. 5 3 replies
Movie screening, open for all Come with your friends, and watch these inspirational movies with us which represent courage, resilience and queerness. Free for all. The main goal of such event is ally building. 3 6 replies