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A 15-year-old girl in UP missed school due to finances (mother is a maid). She studied Class 1 but is now from a tutor. Planning to enroll, she considers Class 9 but lacks a strong foundation. Which class should she choose?
I know a girl who is 14 years old rn but didn't recieve proper education because of financial problems in her family(her mother works as a maid) she studies from a tution teacher who teaches 8th grade content and gives her books but she still doesn't knows anything properly for example science or sst or how many branches of what subjects are there and she only studied class 1st in a school but after that her mother couldn't afford it and is now considering to take admission in a school, Which class should she opt for? (She had class 9th in mind) (And for context she lives in Uttar Pradesh, India)4
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