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Oliver Velez and Ifundtraders
So I’ve been watching this dude for the last 4 plus years of my life and everything he teaches is true and works for sure no one can tell me otherwise in that regard. My issue is the program he offers. I’ve been tiptoeing around deciding doing the complete traders program as it offers potential to trade on a fully funded trading account for life and split gains that you can keep. There is soooo little info on this program and very little people that have actually taken the course and verified everything his funded training says it offers. Has anyone out there actually joined this program, graduated to the funded account, and received the profits you’ve made on that funded account? As I’ve said, the knowledge is there, the strategy works, no holes in the plot. But that doesn’t tell me if I’ll actually get a funded, trusted account to trade with and make profits from. As someone with very little help and just isn’t able to save frankly an unrealistic amount to actually trade with i really would love to be able to do this because I know I can. I just can’t trust that this program would do this for me. Please anyone that’s done this program, failed, still in it, made profits from it, anything good or bad, I want to hear about it1
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