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I'm a profitable trader. I make about $80k/ year at work and I estimate I make double that trading. How many people would be interested in learning from me (at a price) or where or how could I create that into a business?
A short background about myself, I work at a Walmart distribution center as a driver so I did start making about $100,000 per year like all the other drivers, however for several months now I've been making less because I've been concentrating more on the stock market. I would say I'm taking home about 75% to 80% of that salary now. Anyways one of the drivers kept pushing me to trade the stock market and I'm not joking this guy is super pushy. I started trading live with roughly $92,000 which includes $14,000 in my Roth IRA which he also told me to create. I don't remember the exact time frame but I believe it was about 1 or 2 months into it and I lost about half of it so it went down to about $37,750. I grinded away each week furiously day trading. I gave it everything I had and I was about to call it quits when the same guy keeps telling me to continue. This is the kind of guy that doesn't listen so he kept hounding me about it and he walked me through a trade and instantly I picked up what I was doing wrong. He thinks he taught me everything I know about trading but actually only 5% of it was what I needed to turn my 100% losses on every trade into I would say like 80% win rate. I would say overall I learned quite a bit from him more than the 5%, however the 5% was all I was missing to stop my losses. I probably picked it up within days and then days later I started understanding how to make profit and it kind of just went slowly for a while but recently it's just shot up dramatically. I know how people say there's no ultimate strategy or that certain people do better with certain strategies. I found that to not really be true. I won't call it the ultimate strategy but basically all trading strategies are derivatives of a singular strategy. My strategy does not require traditional indicators and it was designed by me from the start while I was losing. At the very start when I was learning and losing I already came up with the origins of this strategy my problem was I did not know how to execute it properly. Literally I could teach anybody with average intelligence how to do this. So basically I would say that it took me since August to now it's February to get at this level. Whereas he said he's been at it for 3 to 4 years and I'm already at his trading level but to be honest I'm probably at a higher level and I'm still growing. Anyways to cut the bullshit I'm just trying to gauge how many people here would be interested in learning from me or how could I turn this into some kind of a business so I can quit my job. I would not do this for free and I expect to charge a lot of money. And I would have each person I teach post something here on how I was doing as a teacher so that everybody else would see that I'm not full of shit. I'm just trying to gauge the interest and see how much people were willing to pay for some type of knowledge like that. Just to make it clear I know that a lot of YouTubers and things like that are mostly bullshit and I know that to be true. My strategy I came up with myself and my execution at this point is at a intermediate to professional level. And I'm still refining and improving on this strategy. I don't need the RSI I don't even use moving averages I draw a few lines on the chart but mostly I just use the price movement , because the way I use it it becomes its own indicator, if that makes sense. I expect that within a year that I started I will double my money. Had I not been learning that whole time I may have been able to double my money quicker. Once I started becoming profitable I was making about $1,000 to $3,000 per week and then lately I've seen $6,000 to $8,000 a week and I consider those trades to be some of my sloppiest executions so I expect my profits to grow as I get better. Also to make it clear while he did teach me his day trading strategy I never liked it and I ultimately theorized my own swing training strategy because it requires less work and has a higher probability rate. However since my mentor and I clash so much he got sick of me and actually dropped me today as a student. However at my skill level I am able to see all of the major flaws in his strategy which he will never admit. It's also why I'm able to surpass his level in less than a year when it took him 4 years and his skill level has stagnated2
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