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How do I get out of a contract?
*I know it’s super Long but I wanted to give context, just go to last 3 Paragraphs if you want the real situation* So basically I am a daytrader who posts on social media. Recently my socials has been getting some traction, not insane but a lot better in the past couple months. I was at like 400-500 Instagram followers in December and now I’m at 10,000 followers. Now I was teaching people how to trade for the past 2 years all for completely free. And I genuinely enjoyed doing it for free. But then I decided to start charging just so it could weed out those who took it serious. Now I make money through day trading but it’s not a full time income for me. I trade more as a side hustle which honestly helps me as a trader. I also express this to my current community. I’m a student still in college who has been doing this for 5 years. Everyone knows I am not financially free and a full time trader. So i decided that I was finally going to start charging as another stream of income. Now i knew if i wanted more students i would have to post on social media. A couple months ago in December is when i decided to start taking it serious. And post consistently on social media. And it’s been working. I got 9k followers in 2-3 months. But right before I started posting consistently some guy reached out to me saying that I should start a mentorship. He is one of those info growth guys who’s helps scaled your coaching business. However I didn’t really charge anyone so there was nothing to scale. He said I had lots of potential to make 30k-50k months from coaching. Being that I’m still in college and I only make a couple thousand a month from trading. It sounded mad promising. This was all before I decided to start charging people. I was probably at 400-500 followers. I told him I had to think about it because I never charged anyone before so I still had the mental block that I had to do it for free. So I told him no for the time being. I said I wanted to grow more on social media and then also wanted to be more ready to teach in an organized way if I were to start charging people. I really want them to get their moneys worth. When I taught for free it was good stuff and how I trade but not really organized. So fast forward and im at like 6k followers and I lowkey hit him up again. The reason why I hit him up is because I started getting a lot of DMs from guys who offer the same service as him. They were all telling me how I should launch High ticket mentorship and I was getting sooo many DMs. I was like ok all these guys are getting me up now that I have some followers. But that guy hit me up when I was at 400 followers. So I reached back out to him. Basically we agreed to launch this high ticket mentorship. They would help me with the backend and setting up the funnels. I was like I can do this myself as I’m seeing profess on social media. They said yeah but at a certain point don’t you wanna get so big to the point where it’s going to be hard to focus on marketing and teaching. Well I said yeah but I’m not that big yet. Then he said well basically you could do that. But if you see yourself doing this. Do it with us because we can help you get there faster plus have the systems built so you can scale as easy as possible. So basically the offer was I get 70 percent and they get 30 percent of all future mentorship and trading education profits. No setup fee. So I was like ok let’s do it. Lowkey jumped into it kind of quick but I had trusted them just because he hit me up when I was at 400 followers. Not like these other guys who are hitting me up now that I’m at 10k. So basically I signed an agreement/contract and looking back at it. It’s very vague/ can fuck me over I think. I talked with my dad and he said I should talk to a Lawyer about the contract. Now I understand that legally the contract is super vague. But these guys are young people like me. I’m 22 they are prob around 25ish. And I never got any ill intentions from them. So now we are in the process of building out the launch of this mentorship program and we have had several meetings and all in all these guys are super cool dudes. But I’ve seen the trading space. The numbers these guys think I’m going to make just sounds soo unrealistic. They say we are going to print but I just don’t believe it. And tbh the stuff they are doing is kind of basic but it’s lowkey making me look hella salesy/trying to get a quick bag and I kind of don’t like that image. I’m also thinking I could do all this stuff myself. I kind of want to back out of it and just do my own thing. But these guys are the professionals so I give them the benefit of the doubt. Like the website style they built out is correct and the words they use are good. But it’s not me. It doesn’t represent me. But they know like the psychology behind the colors and words they use. We haven’t launched anything yet. They built out a website and we had like 7 meetings. We built out the organized style of my offer/mentorship. I filled out a couple of payments processor websites with them. But I don’t know what should I do. I’m thinking about backing out since we are still early in it. But the thing is these guys are genuine and really cool guys. We already put a good amount of work and brainpower in creating the offer but I just don’t belive the results they say I’m going to get is just realistic. If I were to back out how can I? I signed a contract which is a joint venture agreement and I asked ChatGPT. And it said I could get fucked multiple ways. Again I knew it was really vague but as younger person and these guys were young too and it is all like chill conversations . I don’t belive they have any ill intentions but I keep having these second thoughts. What should I do?1
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