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correlation between social media trends and stock prices
Hi, lately I have been wondering on how much social media activity correlates with future short term stock price trends. More specifically how well would for example a significant spike on google searches about a certain stock correlate with anomalies in the stocks short term price? To me it seems pretty obvious that a significant spike in social media activity around a stock should positively correlate with the absolute value of the derivative of the stock price. Of course the derivative doesn't necessarily tell anything about the future, but social media trends will have certain amount of inertia or sometimes even exponential growth which should reflect to future stock trend as well. This is obviously not an original idea and the efficient market hypothesis might challenge the argument of this type of modelling being possible or useful. However I'm planning on training a neural network model with history data from the stock market prices and social media trends. I would use the relative activity of specific key words in the input layer and history stock price data in the loss function. The goal would be that the model could evaluate the highest value decision (buy, short) based on social media trends from the past hours. I would be interested on hearing what are the obvious constraints and obstacles which would make this project a waste of time?3
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