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Language barrier to access justice / న్యాయ సేవలు అందు కొనుటకు భాష అడ్డు
Former SC justice Chandrachud acknowledged the language barrier in the Indian judiciary. There also some cases where lack of inclusive language has led to mis understandings and not being able to put a fair fight for justice. My questions for the community members 1. Do you know any court cases where jusitice was inaccessible due to language barrier. 2. How can we bring the change for our courts to be more inclusive (I know that only assembly and parliament have the right to amend the constitution to include other languages for court proceedings). Before anyone says that is not practical. I will give you examples of countries where courts function in multiple languages. 1. Switzerland functions in four languages with Romansh being the minority language spoken only by few lakhs of people. 2. UAE included Hindi as third official language for court proceedings. 3. Courts in Finland, Canada, also function in two languages.5
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