Community Information
"Zero" Tamil teachers in union government run Kendriya Vidyalaya schools in TN while they have 109 Hindi teachers and 53 Sanskrit teachers. Sanskrit and Hindi are compulsory subjects from 6th to 8th standard but Tamil language is not a compulsory subject in TN.
Information obtained through RTI during 2021 shows that the **Sanskrit and Hindi languages are compulsory** in 49 union govt run Kendriya Vidyalaya schools in Tamil Nadu from class 6 to class 8 while all Kendriya Vidyalaya schools **don't have Tamil language as a compulsory subject** from 6th standard onwards. English and Hindi are the medium of instruction in these schools. The RTI shows that in Tamil Nadu, **109 Hindi teachers and 53 Sanskrit language teachers** are employed and **there are no Tamil teachers (0)**. Students are not allowed to take Tamil as an optional subject instead of Sanskrit. Can't believe this is happening in Tamil Nadu. I know people near me who send their children to KV school and this is sickening. How the hell are you going to expect this BJP government to to not impose Hindi in the disguise of "Three language policy" when their institutions located inside Tamil Nadu don't have compulsory Tamil but have compulsory Hindi and Sanskrit. Even a child can see their priorities. I mean, what is the use of learning Sanskrit and spending resources for it, almost nobody speaks that language even inside India too. Most of the people in our state are not aware of this. Upvote this so it reaches to everyone in this sub and make sure you share this news to everyone you know.1
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