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Tamil Language is dead
Just look into this Post: In that, the question was asked in Tamil language and written in Tamil script. But the answers, almost 80%, are fully written in English language. This gives out the message that "Tamil language is already dead". And, apart from this "வாழ்க தமிழ்" கூப்பாடு, Is it not a basic manners to answer in a language in which the question was asked?! Do Tamil people lack this very basic manners?! How conveniently people are typing out in Full English language answers for a question asked in out and out in Tamil language? It gives a feel that Tamil people are the biggest hypocrites. Oneside, They will say "வாழ்க தமிழ்", & ஹிந்தி "திணிப்பு" ஒழிக. But at the same time "English திணிப்பு வாழ்க" in a Tamil question. Facepalm. This is a double standard. It feels like in a team meeting (in the office) everyone starts talking in Hindi instead of English. I don't see any difference between the people who Speak & Type in English for a "Tamil question/post" and the people Speaking in Hindi with the Tamil people who starts the conversation in English. Edited: Other examples which prove that Tamil people lack basic manners: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)
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