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Muhammad Yusuf Khan(born Marudhanayagam Pillai,1725AD) was considered by British to be one of the two great military geniuses India had ever produced (the other being Hyder Ali of Mysore).
He's one of the most interesting rags to riches story in Indian history.Though he was self centered and a megalomaniac, his guerilla warfare and military expertise was highly respected and acknowledged by both British and French. **Life and Military Accomplishments** 1) Yusuf Khan was born a hindu,of the Vellala caste in Panaiyur,Ramnad district, his name being Marudhanayagam Pillai.He converted to Islam, ran away from home and went to Pondicherry where he served the French Governor Jacques Law in Pondicherry. It was here he befriended another Frenchman, Marchand (a subordinate of Jacques Law), who later became captain of the French force under Yusuf Khan in Madurai.Its to be noted that in this period, his ears were cut off since he was accused of theft. 2) He entered the English service by enlisting, with a company of sepoys where he rose to the rank of Subedar and he was referred to in English records as the "Nellore Subedar".He later enlisted under the Nawab of Arcot Chanda Sahib. 3) **The siege of Trichinopoly(1751)** was a part of 2nd Carnatic war and it was fought between British allied Muhammad Ali Walajah vs French Allied Chanda Sahib where Yusuf Khan fought for the latter. Long story short, Robert Clive despite being outnumbered won the battle decisively,beheaded Chanda Sahib and French troops surrendered. Though Yusuf Khan fought for the losing side French, British was heavily impressed by his skills([see 2nd pic for reference]( so he was recruited,trained in the European method of warfare where he displayed a talent for military tactics and strategy. Major Stringer Lawrence even compared Yusuf Khan to Robert Clive as they had a resemblance in military strength,decision making,courage and desire for money. 4) One day he accompanied a party,despatched to meet those under command of Captain Caillaud.When he was about to reach the place of rendezvous, there was a surprise attack from the French forces and they were outnumbered significantly. Even the British officers agreed that the careful scouting of Yusuf Khan saved Caillaud's forces from a probable disaster and made the French forces withdraw. Yusuf Khan was promoted to commander in chief and was presented a gold 🏅. He made history and became the first and only native officer ever to become a Commandant.([see 3rd pic]( 5) **Siege of Madras(1758)** was fought between French and British as a part of 7 years war.French reinforcements under Lally had arrived in Pondicherry and set about advancing France's position on the Coromandel Coast, notably capturing Fort St. David.In the end,French withdrew and it was unanimously agreed from British side that Yusuf Khan's contribution was paramount in this battle([see 4th pic]( 6) **Polygar wars** - Nawab of Arcot owed a significant debt to British East India company so he granted them the tax collection rights of Madurai kingdom. Yusuf Khan was chose as a bodyguard for this alongside Nawab's brother Mahfuz Khan. Yusuf Khan brought the polygars to submission by relentlessly pursuing and executing those who refused to pay tax.Kallar community in the Madurai region known for their war tactics were fighting every invaders and it took 100+ years for British to control them which is why they were added to the Criminal Tribes act of 1871. The only Palayakarar(polygar) who despite the oppression fought back was **Pulithevar**. He gave Yusuf Khan his first military defeat during the siege of Vasudevanallar Fort. But in the 2nd attempt, Yusuf Khan captured three forts of Pulithevar and made him go AWOL for 2 years. Despite all this, Yusuf Khan started to gain the trust of Madurai people as he defeated Barkadthullah's large army(Hyder Ali Vassel) because the Barkadthullah tried to build an Islamic tomb over Meenakshi Temple. 7) Rapid growth of Yusuf Khan caused immense jealously to Nawab of Arcot and he requested East India company to make Yusuf Khan pay tax to him instead of Yusuf giving the collected tax directly to the company. Yusuf's ego got hurt and he offered them a deal that he will collect and give them tax more than usual which the company declined. He rebelled and kept the tax money to himself for which the East India company issued an arrest warrant. Yusuf Khan allied with France, captured Madurai, hoisted the French flag replacing the British one and called himself the King of Madurai. This was treason so British,Arcot Nawab alongside many kingdoms which Yusuf Khan offended along the way joined hands. **First Seige of Madurai(1763)** - The English could not make any headway because of inadequate forces and the army retreated to Tiruchi due to monsoons. **Second Seige of Madurai(1764)** - They cut the supplies so Yusuf and his troops went several days without food and water so they survived on horse and monkey meat.But held on while strengthening the defenses, and repelled the chief assault with a loss of 120 Europeans (including 9 officers) killed and wounded. Little progress against him had been made, except that the place was now rigorously blockaded([see 5th pic]( 8) Since British couldn't kill him fairly in a war, they decided to buy the loyalty of his three close associates including the French mercenary Marchand he allied with,and they snitched the location of Yusuf's daily morning namaz where he was caught and hanged sometime later. One strange thing is that the hanging attempt failed 3 times where the rope broke and they speculated that he might know black magic([see 6th pic]( His body was mutilated into 4 pieces and thrown into different regions of Tamil Nadu so to make sure he doesn't become a legendary figure among the local population. He was a polyglot fluent in Tamil,English,French,Portuguese,Arabic and Urdu. Yusuf had a Portuguese wife and a two year old son who nobody knows what happened after his execution.He was truly respected by Hyder Ali who wanted to emulate Yusuf's European style of warfare. **Tldr.** Marudhanayagam aka Yusuf Khan who was a son of a peasant fought the British East Indian company tooth and nail like no other but I'm still not sure if we can call him a freedom fighter as it was fully fuelled by his ego and not because of his love for the people.1
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