  • Need help to start a saree business

    Hi, I'm from Bangalore and me and my husband are looking to start a saree business here. I'm new to this business but I see a lot of potential buyers around me. As I'm aware Surat is the best place to source it, I've scrolled hours in Indiamart but nothing seems to be legit enough to trust them with a huge amount (most of them have a MOQ even for the first purchase). Also, some wholesale shops in bangalore sell it at prices which are almost equal or marginally higher to the wholesale dealers I found online in surat (I.e, the margin is for me trusting someone from surat and ordering vs pay a little higher in bangalore, but be sure of the quality and not to get scammed) Any help/suggestions or leads are much appreciated. And a very very basic doubt here, what does a retailer usually do with the sarees/designs that are unsold? (Not liked by customers and has been dead stock for 3-4 months)? Ps: My initial investment is 1.5 lakh (please suggest if this is a good amount for a starting investment)

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