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Options trading is dangerous to start and more dangerous is not leaving it
I would win one day by controlling my emotions always ran continuously in my mind and that thought didn't let me stop even when I tried few times. I called it " never give up attitude" but many call this gambling. I am ok to be called even gambler at end I lost huge money may be they are right . At them end we have to face consequences Finally I am staying away from options trading. In my experience nothing works if you want to quit except closing accounts or close f&o on permanent basis. Kill switch all these trash won't work . Give gap and retry all this shit are reasons you tell yourself to restart I am suffering lot but I never took loans so managing with my job. Only thing is my life is not as good as it should be. I spoke to many and discussed with many who took more risks like taking huge personal loans Some people comment now you don't know how to trade all this shit. I am not speaking to great people like you atleast they think like that. Hope you have heard about Asmita news who earned 50 crores from training. The people who brag about options for my post are those people who earn by trainings . Even if you earn few lakhs by working hard it is not worth the tension that you go through. Instead focus on your job and you will earn more or invest in mutual funds or gud company stocks you will get that few lakhs peacefully All the bestttt1
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