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MVP - help validate idea and steps (i will not promote)
I'll try to format my post clearly for understanding The goal: get your feedback and possible drawbacks I missed, as constructive and real as possible, signaling me if I'm on the right track. I had this in my mind for quite some time. And every time I research I get confirmation signals that overcome negational signals. So I got my hands dirty and started working on it instead of just researching. If it gets traction, I'm off to build something useful, if not, I'll have a fail in my portfolio. Either is good, but one is better ofc. The why: I noticed that every time a company providing some service (IT or any) the answer to "how to get clients" is: Ads, marketing, cold outreach. All with fractional success for most. Then, I look at the clients; same thing, they're lost because they don't know who to reach out to, they need to spend time researching or posting they need everywhere (fb groups, reddit etc) with lame descriptions/specs. The question: we have many resources when it comes to freelancers or ICs, but why is there no platform that connects clients with *businesses* and vice versa? kinda like B/C2B model. It isn't a revolutionary idea, but would help both sides in regards to money and time. And yet, there is none. Or? The how: I'm wrapping up a MVP app doing just that. Kinda Inverted marketplace where clients post their need and businesses apply. I've implemented AI to it for three features: - help clients write project requirements in a well strucutred way while ensuring I don't have "I need a website" lame postings (like most platforms, freelance or others). - help providers of services tailor their profile - combining the first bullet with the second: matching both sides with the help of AI + providing clients instant matches and estimated offers (instant means when they post their project they instantly get matches and recommendations, instead of waiting for providers) Current status: MVP and landing page almost done, will look for market fit by offering that MVP (and future benefits) to people and get constructive feedback on it. I read that writing idea like this is of a no use, and people respond better when they can actually see and try the idea. So I haven't done any research, questionnaires and similar. I just observed what both sides do and what both sides complain about. Next steps: - get feedback on the MVP and get real info from both sides - depending on the first bullet, I can go two ways: 1. if the feedback is "meh" or a simple no-go: ditch and move on 2. if the feedback is good: start the actual app development, invest and raise funds to build the actual app Asap and start selling it So, that's about it. Would LOVE to hear your thoughts on this referencing the goal of the post. I need to see what am I missing with this, as I have that feeling constantly. If you have any questions, shoot! Hope I made it at least mostly clear. Thank you for your time and I hope I'll find some benefit from this post. Cheers! i will not promote5
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