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I will not promote: I just left my third startup
Two weeks ago, I posted on here that I was having issues with a friend of 15 years who invited me to start a startup with him. I just left it yesterday morning because we have not made more than $112.50 in a year from virtual clothing sales. The other partner and I did not know about this until we were discussing virtual clothing as a way to generate revenue until my ex friend revealed the $112.50 revenue from the virtual shirts made 15 years ago by other people that were no longer a part of our group. I left primarily because my ex friend became toxic, he was grilling me for 5 minutes in a meeting a week ago about a prior NDA I signed for another prior startup. He brought on his brother to the meetings to have the brother derail the project with their own non profit agenda as well as to plug in their non profit. My ex friend was arguing points of law with me, a soon to be barred attorney, while he had no legal training thus being a borderline UPL (unauthorized practice of law). My ex friend would write that I was being mean and it was bad communication when I told him why his generic and vague idea would not work due to time, resource and money constraints in detail. The last straw for me was when I resent him a 6 page rich and detailed lore document where I make his character look amazing in. The reply I received could have been better written by a fifth grader in which it was filled with spelling errors and was a total rejection of my idea. All the while confessing his true insecurities and the fact that he still wanted to go in a stupidly failed direction of a civics video game that we had already attempted for two years. The reply he sent was as if written by a spiteful child but really written by a 32 year old man with a college degree. I am so glad that I quit yesterday. The moral of my story is this: Don’t go into business with your friends! It never works out well in my experience. I thank this subreddit for helping me get out of that situation. I am planning on joining the JAG corps in a couple of months and take a long break from startups.1
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