Community Information
Ideas for grassroot industries
I'm wanted to set up small scale factories/farms starting from my home town then expanding to nearby towns. I see a lot of school dropouts and graduates who earn 12k to 20k a month. Wanted to help them in their free time/passively as well. I've divided them into 2 categories Plan 1- no land holdings, unskilled - training and grassroot industries (eg-carpet weaving) Plan 2- has unused land(lots of people have left agriculture but still hold ancestral land) - training in agriculture practices where the crop is profitable and requires less labour so that they can continue their 9-4 jobs. Please help in brainstorm more ideas since the plan above is very rudimentary and theres probably much better ideas we can implement if we use the crowds wisdom. If you're knowledgeable in the field(eg- knowledge of crops suitable for such scenarios, Where training can be provided, how to approach the government for funds) etc. I'm planning to start without the governments help as proof of concept then I plan on approaching the government if required. Wealth is being concentrated in towns and rural areas where educated youth are struggling is not being looked into. Planning will end near April (I'll be busy till March)and a small test will be conducted to check the viability of ideas(a year to look at the results) If the tests go well full-scale training and procurement of materials will be done(this will probably need the governments help).4
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