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Should I change from SEO to anything else?
Hey, so I just needed some guidance on this, I know this is not the usual topic here but I just wanted some expert opinion on this and I would really appreciate it if you read and comment your opinions on this. So this is my first SEO job and I have no prior experience in this field I have some experience in Digital Marketing but not in SEO I was under the impression that i would be guided on how to conduct SEO but I was told to learn on my own and mind you Im the only one working on SEO Initially I was asked to publish 30 blogs a month and I was able to publish 26 blogs every month only because I was able to use GBT I was also asked to do many other things like keyword research, improve SEO Title and Meta Descriptions, and even asked to learn about community management and develope skills in this area Everything was fine for the first 3months and then I was asked to build backlinks As I said since I have no prior experience I found this very challenging and I am still unable to build any Everytime I ask for help they tell me to figure it out on my own as they learned digital marketing on their own Then ultimately my CEO got fed up and showed me a way The way being exporting the backlinks of a competitor as manually submitting links there Which was another dead end since most of the links were from past events, their own websites, or paid links(ad, guestposts, etc) So I suggested that we could do that and they told me not to saying they want the free ones And I always heard that the person before me was very good with SEO But the person before didnt post as many blogs as I did and neither built 10 links a day and the maximum traffic he got to the website was 245 while the traffic during my tenure has been in 1000s my highest being 25k and currently it is 8k I checked the links he built and most of them were bad we work in crypto and saas and his links were from NatGeo, a blog on Kim K and more Yesterday in a meeting he said he is very disappointed in me and would tell me what is the next course of action on Monday (i feel im about to lose my job) I have given my 100% but half the time i feel lost as i have no proper idea of what has to be done Also my probation period was extended from 3 months to 6 months and now i should be getting a hike in salary which is already low (its 19800inr and I believe it would increase to 23800inr) I just want to know if SEO is for me or no Thanks4
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