SEMRush data discrepancy I've been comparing a few SEO tools and noticed a significant discrepancy in monthly search volume for a specific keyword between SEMrush and DataForSEO. DataForSEO apparently uses Google AdWords data, while SEMrush states they use a combination of sources. However, the difference is quite large—40 searches per month vs. 100. I haven't been able to confirm whether SEMrush excludes CPC data, which could explain the variance. I understand that different tools rely on distinct metrics and databases, but such inconsistencies make me question the accuracy of the search volume... 2 2 replies
Is attending Google's Search Central Live (NY) good for a resume? I'm a copywriter currently looking for a new role. I do a lot of SEO copywriting besides ad copywriting. Since the current job market is horrible, I'm having trouble landing a position. I applied to attend and got invited to the next Search Central Live in NY. Since I don't live in NY, I'd have to finance the trip myself. I don't mind doing this if it will look good in my resume, help me upskill, and help me land a new job. Does anyone know if attending Google's... 3 0 replies
Does SemRush track searches at the “near me” level? Hypothetically, if 1000 people a month searched “massage therapists near me” (they all live in Texas) and 1000 people searched up “massage therapists Texas” would semrush account 2000 searches for “massage therapists Texas”? And if not is there a way to find out how many people in an area use “near me” terms for a topic? 1 0 replies
Hiding Product Description in a drawer I'm like the cleanliness of hiding product description in a easily visible drawer that says "Description". It is loaded and can be indexed without the drawer being open. Is there a negative side to this? 1 0 replies
Knowledge Panel Updates Without Being Able to Verify? HI- my company acquired another company for which their product matched the name of their company. So think of it like this: * Closed Company Name: LX * Product of closed company name: LX * My company name: AC On Google, when searching for the product name only, it shows permanently closed. Of course, my company is still open and sells this product, and we fear that anyone seeing "permanently closed" might think the product is no longer available. So a long-winded way of getting to the question: How... 3 0 replies
How do you get LinkedIn company page indexed on Google? Hello SEOs, Does anyone here know how to get a LinkedIn company page indexed in Google searches? The page is two months old and has around 10 published articles, none of which are indexed. I've shared the articles on other social media platforms to try to boost their visibility. I also publish articles on my personal LinkedIn profile, which get indexed and rank on page one of Google pretty quickly. However, the LinkedIn company page can't seem to get indexed. Any help getting it indexed would be much appreciated.... 5 0 replies
Anyone recovered impressions from the February 4th Google update? Google did an update on February 4th that took all impressions away from a lot of new sites (less than a year old). Has anyone seen any recovery at all in impression from this? 5 0 replies
Has Search Console gotten worse? I used to spend every day in Search Console five or six years ago. However, I got a new job and wasn’t as focused on ranking for a while. Now I’m back in Search Console on a daily basis and it looks like “average position” for certain keywords or pages is much less accurate than it used to be. For example, if average position was two I could at least trust the page I’m checking would be on page 1 of the SERP. Now I can have a page... 5 0 replies
Link authority & Link Relevance. I think link authority is more powerful than relevance or vice-versa. How do you analyze a valuable website to link? 4 4 replies
Got Hit by December Core Update – Need Help Recovering Hey everyone, I'm really struggling with my website right now. Since December, my traffic has **dropped massively**, and I think I got hit by the **December Core Update**. I used to get a decent amount of clicks, but now I barely get **even one click per day**. 😞 I've been trying different fixes, like improving my content, optimizing my pages, and checking for technical SEO issues, but **nothing seems to work**. This is my **first time experiencing such a hit**, and I honestly feel lost. I’m **new to SEO**,... 1 0 replies
0 traffic after "fixing" SEO errors So, I got myself into kind off a pickle... I registered myself to semrush free verison and tryed to fix my SEO and increase traffic. Long story short,after fixing most of the things that it reported needed to be fixed,now my website got exactly ONE BIG ZERO of traffic for days.Anyone knows if this is temporary or how to fix this? 3 0 replies
Anyone Got A List of Free Business Listing Domains? Hello everyone, I'm an SEO Specialist of a company that handles the websites of many clients, and they're all local small businesses. I have little to no experience in link building, but my idea is just to get these websites in local business listing domains and local citations to get their DR up. Does anyone here have an excel sheet or database that has a list of all free business listing domains complete with DRs and whatnot? Ideally if they're organized by US state? Will sincerely appreciate all the... 5 1 replies
SEO for local cabinetry business? I own a cabinetry business in Los Angeles and I want to get higher rankings on Google and Google Maps. My current website is with Squarespace and I found SEOspace plug-in and made adjustments but it seems like it didn't do much. I just found out about Semrush. Is this something that can help me? Any recommendations to achieve my goal? 5 0 replies
Share your best success stories I don’t mean a measly little bump in ranking, snagging the top spot of an ultra difficult / competitive keyword, or whatever other metric you can think of. I want a panty dropping, awe-inspiring, head exploding story! 2 2 replies
How do you guys create Google web stories for your coded website and blogger website?? How do you guys create Google web stories for your coded website and blogger website?? 5 0 replies
Help, I need backlinks. I need some guidance on backlinks for an SEO newbie. I manage 2 x websites for marketing and they both need more backlinks. One site doesn’t even have a blog component so I will build one and start adding blog content. The other site has over 50 old/stale blog posts. But besides actually writing and posting the blog content, how exactly do I get backlinks and encourage linking? Any success stories or advice would be super appreciated. 😃 2 1 replies
Do I need lots of pages to rank higher on Google? Hey all, just created a website that was finally adsense approved! It's a website for slack emojis and there's an incumbent that ranks #1 for google searches. I noticed that it has a page for each emoji where as for me it's just one page of emojis. Does it help to have different pages to rank higher on Google? 5 0 replies
How are you tracking ranking these days and are you even bothering? So many tools out there, but i hear that rank tracking is dead, or that people are turning to spreadsheets and AI. Any tips on 2025 workflows appreciated. 4 7 replies
Help & Advice needed Hi all, I have recently launched a new 3D printing online shop and I am really struggling to get website traffic, let alone a sale... I have been doing SEO research but even though I seemed to have done everything I can do with regards to SEO on my website, I am still not getting any organic traffic or sales etc. Even though I have been doing web design etc for years I feel really out of touch with the SEO & Marketing side of things, lost even? I... 4 2 replies