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Purandar international airport protests
Came across a news about the protests by the purandar locals in front of the panchayat samiti office against the proposed Purandar international airport, As land acquisition process is set to start. Mainly demands are for the fair compensation and concerns over livelyhood. Is the accusation for the unfair compensation right? For lively hood they can get a lot of jobs, from airport staff,cargo staff to cab services, staff in hotels nearby, firefighter, medical team, airport store staff, cleaning, parking.. I can go on IMO, These protests are going to hit pune badly.. A city of 7.5/8 million and high GDP per capita and no international airport. It hampers connectivity and major cargo movement from the nearby area, not pune but entire western Maharashtra, CSN, Nagar. As currently , everyone has to go to mumbai for international flights. Are such protests causing Maharashtras growth to stagnate?! It seems no one wants anything. Be it airport, port, highway, refinery, floating solar plant.
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