Community Information
As far as the concept of mass egg laying of olive ridley sea turtles is concerned, the million dollar question in this regard is…... How do these gentle sea creatures navigate thousands of kilometres to find the beach where they were born? The behavior of these turtles nesting and laying eggs during a particular time of the year and at a few particular beaches in the whole world, proves that they are unique and different from other sea turtles. Research has shown that if the average temperature on an egg-laying beach exceeds the requirement, the risk of more female turtles being born increases. In the current context of global warming and climate change, there has been a significant change in the proportion of male and female turtles. One of the most spectacular natural events-the arribada- has already started at Gahiramatha coast of Kendrapada district, Odisha.The beaches have already been taken over by lakhs of visiting mothers in their annual sojourn at Gahirmatha. #climatechange #oliveridleyturtle #Gahiramatha #Odisha For details please log into the following link
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