  • Dongarias:The son of the soil of the Niyamagiri hills

    No one knows the beginning of the Dongaria kandha people however it is accepted that the Dongaria kandhas are the first pioneers of Niyamgiri slope and have been living there since days of yore. As per their legend and folktales , Dongarias believe themselves to be the siblings of other kandhas, for example, kutia kandha and desia Kandha people dwelling in the fields closer to the niyamgiri slopes. As they are living on the dongers( slopes), they call themselves Dongaria kandha.They weave their own clothes. Their traditionally woven shawls are better known as kapadagandha( photo attached).They are also excellent hurticulturists. The queen variety of pineapple grown by them has given them a new identity. Let me take this opportunity to describe in detail about this primarily vulnerable tribal group called " Dongarias". I have tried to describe their marriage system, food habits, festivals etc in the following article.#dongaria #kandhacommunity #Chatikona #niyamgirihills #bisamkatak https://lunarsecstacy.com/2022/12/23/dongarias-the-son-of-soil-of-the-niyamgiri-hills/

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