Hello guys I am Chattisgarh another Tribal state in mainland. So propaganda 9f development. So i am seeing so many people proactively claiming development and all after investment promises from Cronys. The above image is just t showcase what they do to youre land. Our lands are very rich in minerals. 90% of train tracks are made in Chattisgarh Biggest hub of cement and steel in India We are only State in India who produce suprlus electricity. After all this we are one of the poorest state in India all our states money goes to capitalist and govt and it never reaches the... 3 19 replies
What about Advantage Assam 2.0 ? Will it become a great success not just only Assam but also for the whole NorthEast ? As per Assam is going to be a major investment hub and also gonna developed, for infrastructure I have already seen in my area (Jorhat) , new roads are being made everyday . If this continues to happen ,we’re surely gonna develop more . What about other NorthEastern state (Nagaland,Arunachal ,Manipur,Tripura,Meghalaya,Mizoram) will they get benifit from it ? 4 7 replies
Good News: In largest such surrender of weapons, Arambai Tenggol returns 246 looted guns in Manipur Good News: In largest such surrender of weapons, Arambai Tenggol returns 246 looted guns in Manipur 3 3 replies
Mainlanders and their obsession with religions I won't even say anything cuz it's just so plainly obvious.. Like damnn okay we converted to Christianity or whatever.. Like why are y'all so obsessed with what religion we follow and sht?? And the mainlander saying " practicing Christianity is a contrast to them saying we wanna preserve our culture".. mainlanders I'm pretty sure we are conserving our culture pretty well.. So no need to speak on behalf of us.. And last of all of if u dont have nothing good to say pls leave the sub... The... 5 16 replies
I am a Northeast Indian. What are your thoughts on my region? I am all ears. I am a Northeast Indian. What are your thoughts on my region? I am all ears. 1 3 replies
our school's heritage week really unserious post but i got reminded of this thru a post on this sub. our school has always been celebrating this thing called "heritage week" each year, where the students from different states/cultures perform every alternate day of the week, showcasing the diversity of NE. and as far as i rmbr, i had always seen mostly NE cultural dances, or songs being performed. but this year, and the previous one; 2-3 performances were taken up by the marwari/bengali students LMAO and the funny thing is that, this wasn't... 4 0 replies
Fake news : CM announced 600 smart classrooms in existing madrasa (most of which are govt schools). Islamophobia and lack of value for a human life in this sub is truly staggering. Fake news : CM announced 600 smart classrooms in existing madrasa (most of which are govt schools). Islamophobia and lack of value for a human life in this sub is truly staggering. 4 0 replies
I have converted to Pagan from Christianity because of saviour mainlanders Someone posted here about how we have lost our pagan culture. Me as a christian assamese person i feel ashamed, i was a ricebag convert and I want to announce with pride that I have converted to my Chinese and Cowboy pagan culture. YEEEEHAW I too have seen the light and returned to my ancient cowboy-pagan roots because OF MY SAVIOUR MAINLANDER Every morning, I now sacrifice a bowl of ramen to the spirit of Bruce Lee before saddling up my invisible horse and riding into the sunset, yeehaw-ing... 1 23 replies
Can a so called “mainlander” (cause I’ve been told that’s racist, therefore in double quotations) enlighten me on the pagan rituals and gods practised by my ancestors? Thank you. I am very ignorant. Since I’ve been told that we lost our paganism from one of the posts in here, I’d like to be enlightened about my own history and cultural practices. I belong to the Lotha Naga tribe residing in Nagaland, if that’s any relevance. 2 0 replies
In call "Tash or Taji" to Flying Fox what do you call it in your Native language ? In call "Tash or Taji" to Flying Fox what do you call it in your Native language ? 1 10 replies
Why not a single post in this sub is related to NE? What is even the point of this sub? I saw a post today about a Bengali woman bashing Biharis , but how the f is that relevant to Northeast?? Also , most of the post are either mainlanders complaining about the behaviour of people in this sub ( bro if u don't like it , then just live it as there are 1000 of other Indian subreddits. Maybe go to South Indian subreddit) or it's about either some Hindutva kanglu spreading his cancer everywhere. But why does this things... 4 7 replies