Community Information
The Legendary Story of Mount Khyarii Satam
Mount Khyarii Satam, located in the East Kameng district of Arunachal Pradesh, holds significant cultural and spiritual importance among the Nyishi tribe. The mountain's name translates to "Brother Khyarii's Shield," and its enduring prominence in local folklore is deeply rooted in the tale of Abang Khyarii ( Elder Brother Khyarii ) According to tradition, Abang Khyarii was a formidable warrior and skilled hunter, married to two women: Changam Rewene and Changam Rowone. Despite his hunting prowess, Changam Rewene often expressed dissatisfaction, claiming the hunted animals were her parents' pets. To appease her, Abang Khyarii accepted her challenge to hunt two formidable creatures: a wild boar known as Punghi ne selangwo ga Firam Talang bo and a giant fish called Punghi ne Selewo ga Rale Yapene. Abang Khyarii set out on his quest, instructing that thunder from the north would signal the boar's defeat, and sparks in the south would indicate the fish's capture. After a fierce battle, he successfully killed the wild boar, but during the process, he sustained a severe leg injury from its tusks. Despite his injury, he returned home after ten days. Following his first wife's medical advice, his condition worsened, leading to his demise. Before passing, he requested that his body be placed atop the highest peak, away from human and animal reach. Honoring his wish, his remains, along with his shield (Sattam), were placed on the mountain now known as Khyarii Satam. The shield remains visible year-round, symbolizing Abang Khyarii's enduring pride and dignity. This legend underscores the mountain's sacred status among the Nyishi ( Tani) Community, who believe it embodies the spirit and legacy of Abang Khyarii.2
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