  • The Adi abors of ARUNACHAL fough 4 wars with the British The Adis won 3 wars and lost 1 war ⚔️ Description is Below

    The Anglo-Abor War was a series of conflicts between the British and the local tribes of the Arunachal Pradesh region of India in the 1850s and early 1900s: Bitbor Mimak: The first Anglo-Abor War in 1858 Bongal Mimak: The second Anglo-Abor War in 1859 Nijom Mimak: The third Anglo-Abor War in 1894 Poju Mimak: The fourth and final Anglo-Abor War in 1911–1912 The British used modern weapons such as maxim machine gun and Rifles etc to defeat the tribesmen's bamboo arrows and stone catapults. However, the Adi warriors' traditional weapons, strategy, and bravery often forced the British to retreat. If you want more Interesting posts please comment *yes*

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