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Diverse ethnicities of NE and their phenotypes
I know a lot of you might think we look the same and share common features, but what if I tell you we also have diversity even among our own tribes? Just like how Chinese, Japanese and Koreans look different from each other, we also have state and even tribe wise physical differences. To most people, we may look similar but someone, who is knowledgeable about the differences, can tell each other apart based on facial structure, skin color and other subtle features. 1) Mizos: Mizo people belong to Tibetic-Burmese ethnic group, they share similar traits with Kuki-Chin people from Myanmar. Their face shape is often square or broad and round to oval with broader cheekbones but less pronounced than Nagas. Their eye shape is the most distinctive feature, they have bigger eyes on average, often almond shaped with a slight epicanthic fold/monolids. The nose is small to sized, slightly prominent but not flat. They often have full lips. The skin tone varies, it's mostly light tan to medium brown, but there's also fairer skin as well. Hair type is naturally straight. Even among the girls I linked, you can notice the differences. They resemble other Chin-Kuki groups, they also have softer features compared to Nagas and Tibetans. Mizos have bigger eyes on average. They also have distinct Southeast Asian look, similar to Burmese, Thais and Filipinos. Some Kuki-Zomi groups also show variations with South Asian influence. 2) Sikkimese: The main ethnic groups of Sikkim are Bhutias, Lepchas and Nepalis. Bhutia phenotype belongs to Tibetan group. All the girls I linked in the 2nd slide are Bhutia. As you can see, they have very strong East Asian traits like high cheekbones, rounded foreheads, monolid or hooded eyes and broad and bigger faces. The skin tone ranges from very fair to wheatish. Hair type is straight. The nose shape is small to medium sized with a slight upturned tip. Lepcha people have softer East Asian traits than Bhutias, with rounder faces. Their skin tone ranges from wheatish to light brown and they're less fair than Bhutias. The nose shape is medium to broad, and slightly flatter than Bhutias. Nepali phenotype is diverse like India, with people looking like North Indian to East Asian. Rai, Limbu, Magar, Gurung, Tamang look similar to Bhutias and Lepchas, but they have more diversity in face structure, nose, cheekbones etc. Sherpas of Nepal are related to Tibetans. Tamangs are the most East Asian looking groups of Nepal. With Rai, it varies. Some look more East Asian, some have a slight South East Asian influence. Limbus are similar to Rais, but they have even more East Asian influence. Some look even Mongolian (girl on the 3rd slide is a Nepali Limbu). Some Gurungs look similar to East Asians but others have more South Asian influence. Magars are sometimes mixed, but they still have noticeable East Asian features. The Indo-Aryan Nepali groups have more North Indian features, with prominent noses, bigger eyes, and skin tone varies from fair to medium to tanned. I would say in general Sikkimese people look similar to Tibetans, Bhutanese and other East Asian groups. 3) Nagas: There's diversity even among different tribes but generally Nagas have strong epicanthic folds and monolids, the eye shape is the most distinctive feature of Nagas. They also have sharp angular features with high cheekbones and strong jawlines (especially among Konyak, Angami and Ao tribes). Sumi Nagas have broad and slightly rounded faces. Eyes are monolids or strong epicanthic folds. Nose is small to medium sized. Skin tone ranges from fair to wheatish. Ao Nagas have more oval face shapes with softer features, monolid eyes with more epicanthic folds, but sometimes slightly bigger than other Naga groups. Narrow and more defined nose. Skin is fair to light brown. Tangkhul Nagas have long and angular faces, upturned eyes with epicanthic folds. Nose is more pointed than other Naga tribes. Skin is fair to medium brown. Angami Nagas have broad faces with strong jawlines and cheekbones. Eyes are hooded or monolids but slightly bigger than Sumis. Nose is medium sized. Skin is fair to tan. Konyak Nagas have broad faces with square jawline, monolid or hooded eyes, broad and flat nose, skin is medium to darker brown. Chang Nagas have rounder faces and softer features, smaller noses and tend to be shorter than Angamis and Sumis. But generally, Nagas look distinct from other NE ethnicities. Strong epicanthic folds or monolids, broad and stronger facial structure, more prominent cheekbones and very fair to tanned skin. They resemble people from Myanmar, Yunan (China) and Northern Thailand. However, there's many that can resemble East Asians too especially from the Sumi, Lotha and Ao tribes. 4) Meiteis: Unlike Nagas who have remained isolated in the hills, Meiteis have intermingled more with Indian groups. Meiteis who have an Indian influence have a mix of East Asian and South Asian traits. The Meiteis with least South Asian ancestry resemble Bamar and Shan people from Myanmar, Dai people of China (as they have distant genetic ties to some Chinese ethnic groups like Bai and Yi people), Northern Thais and some ethnic groups from Yunan and Tibet as they have distant genetic ties to some Chinese ethnic groups like Bai and Yi people. Usually the physical traits are round or oval face shape, almond shaped eyes/monolid or subtle double eyelids that still looks distinct from Nagas and Mizos, straighter noses with a slightly upturned tip, skin varies from very fair to medium brown and softer jawlines. They also have less body hair compared to some Mizos and Nagas. 5) Arunachalis: Arunachalis are quite diverse since they have so many tribes. But most of them have East Asian and Himalayan features. More oval/rounder faces, very fair skin, upturned eyes with less prominent epicanthic folds than Nagas, short/longer noses. Northern tribes like Monpa (7th slide), Sherdukpen and some Tawang region groups look very Tibetan and East Asian with oval/broad, slightly round faces and cheekbones and pale skin. Higher nose bridge than other Arunachali tribes. Eyes have medium epicanthic folds. Nyishis have rounder/oval faces and fair to medium skin tones. Adi, Nyishis and Tagin groups resemble people of Myanmar and Thailand. Apatanis have fair to wheatish skin tones. Tada Lunia (slide 8), who was crowned Miss Arunachal of 2024, belongs to the Apatani tribe. Another fun fact: Apatani women were historically famed for being beautiful, so much so that neighboring tribes like the Nyishis would raid the villages and abduct Apatani women for their beauty. So, to make themselves less desirable, Apatani women started wearing large nose plugs and tattooing their faces. 6) Assamese: Varies because of diversity and mixing. They look the least mongoloid among Naga, Mizo, Meitei, Sikkimese and Arunachali. Upper Assam shows more mongoloid influence, with skin tone ranging from fair to dark (less dark than lower Assam because historically upper Assam had a lot of mixing with tribes), oval face shape (another mongoloid feature), straight hair. Lower Assam has more people that resemble Bengalis and other Indian groups. Mishings of Assam are a Sino-Tibetan group and historically migrated from Arunachal Pradesh. They belong to the Tani group of Tibetic-Burmese family. There are Mishings who have mixed features because of historical intermarriage but in general they have strong East Asian features and closely resemble Nyishis and other Arunachali tribes. Girl in the slide 10 is from Mishing tribe. Notice how she resembles tribes from Northern Arunachal. Deoris resemble Arunachalis as well since that's where they came from. 7) Meghalaya: Garos have more mongoloid features compared to Khasi and Jaintia. They are similar to Bodos of Assam. Monolids, more angular faces, brown skin tone. Khasis and Jaintias look distinct, they have more shorter faces, shorter noses and have bigger eyes than other NE tribes. Skin tone ranges from warm brown to deep brown. They share features with Mundas, South East Asians like indigenous Vietnamese, Lao and Cambodians. 8) Tripuri: They have shorter rounder faces, eye shape is more varied (double eyelids, monolids, hooded eyes) than in other NE groups, flatter cheekbones, short or broad/slightly flat noses. Skin tone is mostly brown. They resemble Chakmas, Kukis, some Burmese (Chin, Kachin), Thais and Cambodians. That's all. While it's not always easy to determine someone's ethnicity especially due to mixing and shared features across different groups, there are still differences in subtle features, hair, skin, facial structure etc. And lastly, my post isn't about comparing. Diversity exists among us NE people, and that's a cool thing. It's what makes us distinct. For example, did anyone guess Andrea Kevichusa has Mizo ancestry? Yes, in case you couldn't tell. Her bigger, rounder eye shape which is found among Mizos while her facial structure is a characteristic of Angami Naga.2
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