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is it me or the bass/noise of DJs playing for a barat getting a too much out of hand?
Hi, i am eighteen (F), a student and i have always had a fear of loud noises. Ive had this problem for the longest time and just as i thought i had grown over it- these djs....gosh i hate them..if u know what im talking about there are barats that go around carrying a DJ in a truck type thing and im all in for the music and enjoying but the bass...? on those things..? could make a freaking building just vibrate hard...and its not just that. No matter how hard i try i will always end up having a panic attack to these things because they are simply too much..i dont even know how ppl dancing soo close to these things dont end up having their ears bleedings... i had three cats and the thing is, they have heightened senses and these crazy ass DJs playing the music OH SOO LOUD- just leave my cats paranoid in a room jumping around in fear trying to find some way to not be able to hear these things.. one of these days when another dj truck came around it was this loud that all three of my cats ran away somewhere further away from the noise and its been 4 weeks that one of them havent even returned back... is there seriously any way we could have stuff like this in control...?1
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